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On the Ropes 1: Leap of Faith Page 8

  His brow knit in confusion. “How do you figure that?”

  “You losing control and taking me hard showed me how much I affect you. I’ve never had someone want me that badly.” She grinned. “It was exhilarating and a huge boost to my ego.”

  His guilt slowly began to fade with her admission. He took her hand in his, turned it over, and pressed a soft kiss to her palm. “How about we get dried off and I show you just how exhilarating I can really be?”

  A wry smile tipped her lips. “Sounds intriguing.”

  “Oh, it is,” he promised, then leaned in close and whispered, “We’re going to find out just how quiet you can be and for how long, because this time, when I get you into bed, I plan to take my time and enjoy you thoroughly.”

  * * * *

  With her hair still wet and her body damp from their shower, Lexi settled onto the bed and looked expectantly up at Logan. While the sex had been wonderful, his promises of even more pleasure left her feeling needy and restless. His lips turned up on the ends as he eased onto the mattress next to her. “This time”—he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her lips, then pulled back—“we’re going to take it nice and slow, and you’re going to follow everything I tell you to do, all right?”

  Speechless, she nodded as anticipation ratcheted up another notch. Just what would he tell her to do?

  His fingers danced along her flesh until they wrapped around one wrist, and he slowly lifted her arm above her head. She angled her head up, looking at the top of the bed, then back to Logan. His grin widened as he repeated the process with her other arm. “Good, sweetheart. Now lace your fingers together and keep your arms above your head.”

  “But I want to touch you too,” she argued.

  “You will, but not right now.”

  Confused and feeling that the situation was quickly becoming one-sided, she opened her mouth to argue. “But—”

  “Lexi,” he growled, stopping her midsentence. Her eyes widened in shock, and he sighed as he struggled to take things slow. “Let me see if I can do a better job of explaining this to you. When it comes to sex, I required all control.”

  All control? Her mind blanked for a moment as the implication of those words took hold. “Y-you mean like I have no say at all?”

  His smile slowly returned. “None.”

  “So I can’t touch you?”

  His smiled widened. “Not without my permission.”

  “What if I don’t want you to always be in control?”

  “Then we’re going to have a problem, sweetheart. You see, I’m a dominant, and while I love your defiant spirit in most situations, I’m going to require your complete submission when it comes to sex.”

  Maybe she should have been shocked by his admission, but she really wasn’t. She took a moment to think back over the past couple of months, and quickly came to the conclusion that he’d been in control the entire time. He’d dictated every kiss, every intimate moment with her. Combine those facts with the confident way he carried himself, and she could easily picture him as a Dom.

  What disturbed her more was that she could just as easily envision herself becoming his submissive. In the past, she’d always been focused on her pleasure and worried over Aaron’s inability to sometimes satisfy her needs before his own. Knowing he held a tendency to be self-centered, she’d been vocal and even demanding with her desires.

  This time, though, none of those traits seemed to surface. In fact, never could she remember experiencing such a powerful need to please when it came to sex. Maybe it had to do with Logan removing her ability to have a say. Was it possible she never really wanted to be in charge?

  Whatever the cause, it didn’t change the fact that all her feelings seem to converge on one goal: his approval. For reasons she couldn’t quite understand, she realized she needed his praise almost as much as she needed to climax.

  That last thought made her nervous as hell. Was she giving up some piece of herself she’d regret losing by choosing to accept his will?

  He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You’re thinking awfully hard, sweetheart.”

  She licked her suddenly parched lips and caught the flare of desire in his eyes. He wanted her, and more so, wanted to command her body. Could she relinquish the control he required? “I’m just trying to decide if this is for me.”

  He arched a brow. “And what decision have you reached?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ll admit I’m intrigued, but also a little nervous. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  He nodded as he brought a hand up to her breast and stroked over her nipple, quickly bringing it to a hard point. Ripples of need zipped through her and she gasped at the sensation. “Do you trust me to know what you need, Alexandra?” The sexy, low tenor of his voice, combined with his use of her full name, pulled at the need building deep within her.

  Almost on instinct she nodded as if for the first time she realized that she did in fact trust him. That discovery sent a shock wave plummeting through her as love and need combined forces and demanded satisfaction. He’d done exactly what he’d said he wanted to do—he’d earned her trust and in the process gave her back a piece of herself that had been missing for such a long time. Her need to thank him, to prove to him just how much she cared and trusted him, had her saying something she’d never imagined she would utter. “I trust you, Logan, and I want to be your sub.”

  His grin lit up the entire room. “Now that’s the right answer.”

  He tweaked her nipple, giving it the tiniest pinch. Pain flared through her breast. She squeaked in surprise and started to bring her hands down, only to feel his other hand push her arms back into place. “Hands together above your head.” His commanding tone had liquid heat pooling between her legs.

  “But that hurt,” she whined.

  He arched a brow. “Really? You get your ass kicked in the ring on a near daily basis, but a little pinch”—he repeated the motion, pulling a gasp from her—“is too much for you to take?”

  Much to her surprise, the pain slowly twisted and turned, morphing into a new and thrilling sensation she hadn’t felt before. When he moved to her other breast, rolling the pebbled nipple between his fingers, then pinching much harder than before, she rewarded him with a moan. Something akin to pleasure poured through her body, building, growing, as he slowly introduced her into an entirely new world.

  Before long her breasts felt hot and heavy, as if they each had gained another ten pounds. Antsy, she shifted beneath his touch and barely remembered to keep her hands in place. That task became more difficult as he worked his way down her body, taking his time, apparently enjoying every inch of her skin.

  “This is my body to play with, Alexandra.” He leveled a look on her that told her his statement wasn’t up for debate.

  She nodded as the idea of being controlled stewed in her brain.

  “Say it,” he ordered.

  “This is your body to play with,” she whispered as a fresh shot of desire poured through her. The idea was unnerving, yet thrilling in so many ways.

  “Good girl. Now open your legs for me, sweetheart.” Again not a request, but a command that she immediately followed. He grinned as he shifted from sitting next to her down between her now parted thighs. “Beautiful. You’re doing well, sweetheart. Much better than I expected, considering your personality.”

  She frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Um…” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her belly. “Because you don’t know, I’m going to let it go this time, but frowning at your Dom can land you in all kinds of hot water.”

  Hot water? Her mind turned the phrase over, processing until the true meaning became clear. Her frown disappeared even as curiosity got the best of her. “You’d punish me for frowning at you?”

  “I would,” he replied as his smile turned wry. “And I’d enjoy every minute.” He punctuated his statement with a light slap to her hip. It wasn’t en
ough to cause more than a tiny sting, but it made his point clear. If she stepped out of line, there would be repercussions. Why did that discovery sound so appealing?

  He shook his head. “You’re thinking again. Let’s see if I can stop that right now.”

  Before she could ask what he intended to do, Logan slid one finger achingly slow down her outer labia. “Oh, baby, you are so wet for me.” He swirled his digit just inside her entrance, gathering her juices, then he pulled it up and over her clit. The feathery touch felt like a jolt of electricity, causing her body to sizzle with need.

  “Oh.” She gasped, and her hands came down. She caught her mistake, but not before Logan. He sighed, then moved away, leaving her achy and needy, spread-eagle on the bed.

  When he returned, he did so with a belt in his hand. Was this what he meant by punishment? Would he want to use that belt on her? For a moment fear reared its ugly head. “I’m tired of reminding you about this,” he said as he moved next to her. He took her wrist in his hand and began wrapping the belt around her skin. Then he brought her other wrist up and repeated the process, binding them together. When he finished, he sat back and appeared to survey his work. “That will do for now, but it might be worth us investing in some silk scarves.”

  She glanced at the belt binding, then up to Logan’s face. “Why?”

  He chuckled. “You want to explain to airport security why you have handcuffs in your suitcase?”

  Heat flashed through her body, and she could feel her juices trickle between her legs. As embarrassing as the thought might be, was it possible she was intrigued too? But was it the handcuffs or the idea of getting caught that caused her reaction?

  She didn’t have time to contemplate the question as he slid two fingers into her wet passage. “Oh God!” She arched as all thoughts dissolved in a pool of need.

  “So sensitive,” Logan murmured as he slowly pulled nearly all the way out, then plunged back in. “So responsive.” He repeated the process, again and again and again until every cell in her body seemed to ache for release. “You’re perfect, Lexi.”

  “Please.” She heard what sounded like a whiny voice beg, only to realize the plea had come from her.

  “Please what?” Logan asked.

  Too needy and confused to process his words, she frowned and was rewarded with a stinging slap to her hip. The sizzling pain immediately morphed into pleasure as she moaned at the delicious mix of sensations.

  “Don’t frown at your Dom,” he warned. “Now, let’s try this again. What do you call me, sub?”

  Somehow his words permeated her lusty haze. “I-I don’t know? What should I call you?” She panted, desperate to give him anything he wanted.

  “You will address me as Sir. Now say it, sweetheart.”

  “Please, Sir,” she begged, not feeling the least bit ashamed for doing so.

  “I love the way that sounds tumbling off your lips.” Then as he once again shoved his fingers inside her, he lowered his mouth to her clit. Wet heat engulfed her bottom half and threatened to set her body on fire. She cried out, then bit down on her lip as she barely remembered where she was.

  He chuckled against her flesh, sending the most delicious vibrations zinging through her already sensitive nerves. “Nice control, sweetheart.” He licked along her inner labia. “Let’s see just how much it takes to make you lose that control.”

  Oh God, he was going to test her will, and she had a terrible feeling this was a test she would fail. He lowered his head a second time and laved her opening, his tongue dragging across her oh so sensitive tissues. Her legs quivered, and her body shook as she rode that painful edge of release. Almost! Oh…oh. He was going to make her come, and she was powerless to stop him.

  Just when she didn’t think she could take any more, he paused and grinned up at her. “You’re going to come now, Alexandra, and you’re going to do it screaming my name.”

  Arrogant bastard! She nearly frowned at him a third time but managed to catch herself. Like hell she’d embarrass herself by having a screaming orgasm inside a hotel room. That thought splintered into a million shards as he sucked her clitoris into his mouth and shoved two fingers deep into her. Lexi’s world flashed over in a sheen of white as her body spasmed, and her vagina throbbed around his fingers. Unable to stop the scream that tore from her lungs, she shouted his name, and the sound filled the room as every cell in her body seemed to explode with her release.

  When her climax began to fade, he slowed his movements, then eventually pulled away completely. Lexi lay limp, her skin now damp from sweat.

  Oh my God!

  Never in her life had she ever experienced such a powerful orgasm. If this was her reward for being a good submissive, then she’d be the best damn sub he’d ever known.

  Logan slowly slid up her body until she could feel his erection pressing against her entrance. “I know we didn’t discuss it before, but I’m clean, Lexi. I haven’t been with anyone in damn near a year, and I was tested when I moved up from the progressive ranks.”

  Amazed by his concern for her, she smiled at him. They’d been too caught up in the shower to think about any sort of protection, but even now that he’d asked, she knew she didn’t want anything that might put a barrier between them. “After finding out about Aaron and Eva, I had myself tested. I’m also clean and haven’t been with anyone. Since I can’t get pregnant, I don’t see any need for protection.”

  “Good,” he replied as he easily slipped inside her drenched passage. His big body hovered above hers, and for the first time since he’d bound her wrists, she could actually see the desire in his eyes. “You scream beautifully.” He smiled. “Let’s see if I can make you do it again. Bring your legs up, sweetheart.”

  Despite the implications his statement carried, she did exactly as he ordered. “That’s my girl,” he praised before taking her mouth in a scorching kiss.

  Then without warning, he drove into her, filling her to capacity in one hard thrust.

  Feeling impaled and uncomfortable, she squealed, but he swallowed her cry as his tongue commanded control. For several minutes, he didn’t move, apparently giving her time to adjust. It didn’t take long for that greedy bastard known as need to return. She lifted her hips, letting him know she was ready. Oh boy, was she ready.

  Ever so slowly he slid nearly all the way out, the friction teasing her senses. “Hell, sweetheart, you feel so good.” He pushed back in, and she arched up, meeting his thrust. As he increased his speed, he reached up, and using one hand, worked the belt around her wrists loose. It slacked. Her first instinct was to move her arms, but she remembered his order and kept them in place.

  Approval lit in his eyes as he lowered his mouth to hers. “Very nice, sweetheart, but I want to feel your arms around me now.”

  That was all she had to hear. Achingly slow, Lexi eased her arms down, giving the muscles time to loosen up. Then she draped them over his shoulders. “Hold on,” he whispered and began to work her in earnest. He surged deeper, thrust harder, and sent her climax spiraling up once again. He shifted, slightly changing his angle, and suddenly with each stroke he now rubbed against her clit.

  Her fingers dug into his flesh as she panted and gasped. “Oh God. Logan, I’m gonna…I’m gonna…” She broke and once again screamed his name to the heavens. Her vaginal walls clamped down on him, pulling him deeper. He growled, and she felt the heat of his release deep in her core.

  Holy orgasm, Batman! She continued to shudder with tiny little aftershocks. He pulled out of her, garnering a whimper of protest that brought a smile to his face as he eased down to the bed. He turned on his side, snagged her by the hip, and nestled her against his front so she faced him. “You were wonderful. I’m so proud of you for being able to submit so easily.”

  His praise sent joy spiraling through her, and she rested a hand on his chest. “I don’t know how, but you made me want to submit.” She turned her gaze to his face and found him staring at her. “After what happen
ed with Aaron, I’ve had a hard time trusting anyone, but you make it so easy for me.”

  He reached for her, pulling her up his body so he could take her mouth, only this time the kiss was gentle and filled with love. “I know this sounds clichéd after what we just did.” He stroked a finger along her cheek. “But I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  She smiled up at him, then snuggled against his chest, her finger tracing an invisible line down his sternum. “I don’t think it’s clichéd at all, especially since I feel the same way about you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lexi boiled with anger as she worked the knot from Cole’s trapezius muscle. Despite the joy she’d felt the previous night at hearing Logan’s declaration of love, right now, she couldn’t think past her own fury. What management was doing to these men was unfair and needed to stop. “This is bullshit.” She glanced up at Logan, who sat on the end of Jason’s bed. “You guys are suffering because of this stupid storyline. I have friends who are worried and are constantly calling my cell phone begging me to let them know I’m all right. This has gotten completely out of hand.”

  “I agree, but what are we supposed to do? We’re the new guys.” Cole flinched beneath her hand and let out a yelp. “God, that hurts.”

  “Yeah,” Jason added. “Cole’s right. As far as management is concerned, we should just be happy to be here. It’s not as if we have any opinions.”

  “Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean I can’t complain.” She moved to straddle Cole’s legs, leaned forward, and pressed an elbow against his back muscle. “As soon as I’m done tending to you guys, I’m gonna call Mark. This storyline needs to end, and soon.”

  Jason grinned. “That’s one naughty-looking position, Lexi.”

  She glanced down, then over to Logan, who simply rolled his eyes in response.

  “You know,” Jason continued. “I thought I’d heard screams coming from your bedroom last night.” He tapped his finger to his chin. “Though maybe I was just dreaming.”