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On the Ropes 1: Leap of Faith Page 7

  Tears trickled down her face and disappeared into her hair. “I’m sorry.” She shook her head. “I swear to you that I’m not crying because I still have feelings for the bastard.”

  “I know, baby,” Logan whispered as he stroked a knuckle along her cheek. “You’re crying because he hurt you.”

  She nodded and sucked in a breath. “The worst part is that he laughed when he saw me. Then she laughed. I was so crushed that I bolted from the party.”

  “And that’s when the accident happened?”

  “Yeah.” She reached for a tissue from the box on the nightstand. “I had no business driving. They had me so upset that I wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing. The road was icy, and I took a curve too fast. When I woke in the hospital, I was in the intensive care unit, and the baby was gone.” She barely managed to finish her sentence before she broke down and sobbed.

  Logan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He didn’t say a word and simply held her as she cried. After a few minutes her tears subsided, and her ragged breathing began to level. She covered his hand with hers. “Thank you for understanding.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m sorry he did that do you. Nobody deserves to be cheated on. I’m also sorry you had to relive it right now, but I have a feeling you haven’t really faced it until now, have you?”

  She shook her head. “It was easier to bury the pain than deal with it.”

  “Well, now you don’t have to deal with it alone anymore.”

  She turned in his arms and placed a hand on his chest. The steady beat of his heart beneath her palm gave her the strength she needed to finish her tale. “There is one more thing.”

  He stroked a hand through her hair. “Tell me.”

  “I didn’t just lose the baby. I hemorrhaged. The surgeons managed to save my uterus, but it’s severely scarred.” She paused as she struggled not to cry again. “I can’t get pregnant.”

  The hand he’d been stroking through her hair froze, and fear slithered up her spine as she waited for his response. What if he wanted children? Would her being infertile be a deal breaker? Being rejected now would destroy her.

  For several long, torturous seconds she waited for his response; all the while he appeared to study her without saying a word. Finally he broke the silence. “If we ever decide to have children, we can adopt.”

  “Logan.” She shook her head. “It’s not fair of me to ask you to give up having a child of your own. What if you wanted to carry on your family lineage?”

  He stroked a knuckle along her cheek. “Family lineage isn’t about DNA as much as it’s about history and tradition. It’s about embracing what’s dearest to you and sharing it with those you love.” He gave her a small smile. “I mean, if you really had your heart set on an infant, we could always try in vitro with a surrogate.” He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “That way the baby would be ours, just someone else would carry it. What do you think?”

  Not once had she ever considered a surrogate. Why hadn’t she thought about that before now? She nodded, and the tears returned a second time as the weight of the world lifted off her shoulders. Ever since the accident, she’d struggled with what her new reality meant with regard to any future relationships she might pursue. She’d worried over the fact that she could easily have her heart broken time and again when her suitor found out she couldn’t produce a child. To have Logan be so accepting of her “defect” meant everything. “Oh no.” He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, then one eye and the other before dipping lower to brush a gentle kiss over her lips. “No more tears, sweetheart.”

  She gave him a watery smile. “You are absolutely amazing, and I totally don’t deserve you.”

  “Actually I could say that about you, but the fact is we’re stuck with each other. How do you feel about that?”

  “I’d feel much better if my head didn’t hurt.” She sighed.

  He pulled her close and tucked her against him. “These past forty-eight hours have been stressful on you. How about we get some sleep, and we’ll start fresh tomorrow?”

  The feel of his strong arms wrapped around her, protecting her, helped Lexi chase away her demons. She snuggled as close as she could get to him. “Sounds like a plan.”

  * * * *

  Freshly showered and eager to get back to the hotel to check on Lexi, Logan gathered up his belongings, tossed them in his bag, and zipped it closed. “You guys ready?”

  Jason nodded as he slid his gym bag on his shoulder. “Ready whenever you are.”

  “Just a sec.” Cole slipped his feet into his sneakers. “I don’t know about you guys, but after that match tonight, I’m more sore than usual.”

  Logan frowned. “Yeah, me too. I swear if I didn’t know better, I’d think those guys were really out for our blood.”

  “I’m beginning to think they are.” Jason raked a hand through his still-wet hair. “It occurs to me that the longer management continues this kidnapping ruse, the angrier some of Lexi’s closest friends seem to be getting.”

  “I know.” Logan sighed. Working in this industry, moving from city to city every other night, sleeping in strange beds, was tiring enough. Add in the fact that they seemed to now have a giant target on their backs, and his stress level was off the charts. When he’d suggested perpetuating this kidnapping storyline, he hadn’t expected management’s push to make it appear as authentic as possible by keeping his coworkers out of the loop. All he’d been thinking about was a way to keep Lexi here with him. Now he’d wished he’d let her go with her dad. Not because he didn’t want to see her, but because of the effect this situation was having on his partners. Jason and Cole were both suffering because of his suggestion.

  “Okay.” Cole grabbed his bag and motioned to Logan. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Logan pulled open the locker room door, stepped out in the hall, and immediately felt pain explode along the side of his face. He lifted his hands in defense, but it wasn’t enough. Overpowered, someone slammed his head against the concrete wall. Stars appeared behind his eyelids as instant anger flared through him. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, and he growled.

  The sounds of fists and feet combined with shouts of pain created a cacophony of sounds as Logan, Cole, and Jason fought back against their attackers. Several men moved in at once, overtaking him. They grabbed him by the arm and pinned him against the wall.

  Lexi’s longtime friend Kyle moved in close and sneered at Logan. “Where is she?”

  Feeling like a wiseass, Logan arched a brow. “Where’s who?”

  His smart-mouth reply earned him a punch to the gut, causing pain to bloom through his solar plexus as he huffed out a breath.

  Kyle snared Logan by the hair. “Now I’m going to ask the question again, and you’re going to give me the answer I’m looking for.”

  “Or what?”

  Kyle smiled. “I had a feeling you’d ask that.” He turned his attention to where several of the wrestlers held Jason and Cole, both men now resting on their knees. “Show Logan here what an ‘or what’ answer will get him.”

  One of the midcard wrestlers Kyle had recruited served a swift kick to the side of Jason’s face. Jason’s head snapped back, and he went limp. Fear and anger washed through Logan as the scene played out in front of him. He couldn’t tell and risk the wrath of management, but he also couldn’t allow them to continue beating on his partners.

  “Now,” Kyle nearly whispered. “Unless you want both your buddies to end up in the hospital, I suggest you tell me what you’ve done with Lexi.”

  Logan glanced at Cole, who shook his head, then glanced over to where Jason was slowly recovering from the kick he’d received. “We didn’t do anything with or to Lexi,” Logan replied.

  “Bullshit.” Kyle curled his fingers in Logan’s T-shirt. “We saw you carry her from ringside. We watched the videos of you taking her from the hospital.”

  “Yes, I carried her from ringside,” Logan co
nfirmed. “She was injured, and I was worried.”

  Kyle narrowed his gaze. “Why?”

  “Because I care about her.” Logan struggled against the men holding him back. “I can promise you that she’s safe and being well taken care of.”

  “What in the hell is going on here?” Mark’s voice boomed through the hall.

  Relief flooded through Logan, washing away some of the stress. Maybe now Kyle and his crew would stop beating on them.

  At the sound of Mark’s voice, the men holding Logan and his partners released their grip and took several steps back. Kyle turned to face Mark, who appeared to be flanked by security. “They kidnapped Lexi, and by God, I want to know where she is.” Kyle demanded.

  “What’s going on with Lexi is none of your concern,” Mark snapped.

  “Like hell it’s not,” Kyle argued. “And it should be your concern too. Just how are you explaining her kidnapping to Nick?”

  Mark pointed a finger at Kyle. “I’m warning you, Kyle. Back off, or I’ll suspend you and everyone involved in this little beat down.”

  Mark turned his attention to Logan. “Grab Jason and Cole and go on.” He nodded toward the exit. “Make sure Jason is checked out by a trainer first; then security will make sure you leave without further incident.”

  Logan dared a quick glance at Kyle, who appeared to be fuming over Mark’s decision. Then Logan nodded, scooped up his bag, and helped Jason to his feet. Not wasting any time he, Jason, and Cole made their way out of the arena to their waiting rental car.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Logan slid the key card in the slot and pushed open the door. Jason and Cole followed close behind. “I get first dibs on the shower,” Jason mumbled as he rubbed the spot on his head where he’d been kicked. The trainer cleared him, stating he’d be sore but hadn’t suffered any further damage.

  “Whatever,” Cole replied, his voice laced with exhaustion. “All I want right now is my bed. How about you, Logan?”

  “That’s a loaded question,” Jason shot back. “He’s got a hot shower and a beautiful woman waiting to give him a back rub.”

  Logan eyed his buddy. “You have a problem with that?”

  “Other than the back rub part, no, not really.” Jason grinned. “Maybe she’ll take pity on us, and you’ll allow her to tend to our sore muscles too.”

  “Keep up the wiseass remarks, and I’ll make sure to let you suffer,” Logan warned. “I’ll see you both in the morning.” Before they could reply, he opened the bedroom door and dragged himself inside.

  His body ached in places he didn’t know could hurt, and all he wanted was a shower. This entire situation was nonsense and quickly growing old. If they weren’t being rushed from the arena as soon as their match ended, they risked getting jumped by their coworkers. Without adequate access to the trainers, masseuses, the therapy tubs, or even managing to grab a shower right away, his body was starting to feel the effects. There were only so many times he could get attacked by the other superstars inside the ring and out before he or one of the others ended up hurt.

  After a week, most of the roster’s interest in the kidnapping story had already waned, but there were a few, mostly Lexi’s close friends, who were out for The Tribunal’s blood. This keeping secrets might be making good television, but at whose expense?

  Lexi looked up from the book she was reading, and her eyes widened in shock. “What happened to you?”

  “Nothing out of the ordinary,” he grumbled. “I’m getting a shower.” He dragged his battered body into the bathroom, set the taps, and stripped out of his ring gear. As he turned to step into the shower, he caught sight of the large bruise forming on his shoulder. Did that come from inside the ring or the fight that ensued after the match?

  With a heavy sigh, he stepped into the shower, turned his back to the spray, and stood still, letting the hot water pelt his sore muscles. As heat infused his body, so did the guilt for snapping at her. It wasn’t Lexi’s fault they were all in this situation. If anything, it was his for offering up the cockamamy plan to start with.

  Desperate to keep her with him and to make her happy, he’d spoken without realizing the impact this plan would have, not only on him, but on Jason and Cole too. He closed his eyes and tried to relax. Being new to the company, it wasn’t his place to complain, but he certainly hoped Mark and the creative team knew what they were doing.

  The sound of the bathroom door clicking closed had Logan opening his eyes. “Who’s there? Lexi? Is that you?”

  A moment later the curtain moved, and Lexi stepped into the shower. In the space of a heartbeat, he lost the power of speech as he stared at her gorgeous body. Knowing his willpower was already stretched thin when it came to her, he’d always made sure she was dressed when he was around. Even when they climbed into bed together, she wore a nightgown or some sort of pajamas. Seeing her now, naked and beautiful, he struggled to maintain control. It was a battle he was slowly losing.

  “Lexi, what are you doing?”

  “You seemed out of sorts when you came in. I thought maybe you could use some company.” She nibbled on her bottom lip, and Logan damn near groaned at the sight. Did she have any idea how sexy she looked when she did that?

  “This isn’t a good idea,” he warned as his control began to slip.

  She flicked her gaze up at him; her eyes, green as grass on a warm summer’s day, revealed hope and desire. “Why not?”

  “You’re injured,” he replied even as he reached for her. The need to touch her, to feel her warm, wet skin pressed against his, overwhelmed him.

  She placed her hands against his chest. “It’s been a week, and I’m getting better every day.”

  Her subtle invitation wasn’t lost on him. Despite every effort his mind made to keep control, his body wasn’t listening. The only way to sate the gnawing hunger building deep within was to turn her around and bury himself balls-deep inside her body. The need to take what he wanted, to satisfy both their desires, raged through his mind until he could think of nothing else. He wrapped his arms around her and slid his hands down her silky back until he palmed her tight little ass, pulling her against him.

  A gasp tumbled from her lips, and her eyes widened when the evidence of his desire pressed against her belly. “I take it you’re happy to see me?” she finally quipped.

  “Giddy,” Logan managed to reply, then captured her lips in a kiss more scalding than the shower spray cascading over them. He kept one hand on her bottom, holding her in place, and brought the other one up her side until he reached her breast.

  With their bodies slick from the shower, he easily slipped his hand between them and caught her nipple between his finger and thumb. She moaned in response. It was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard. “God, Logan,” she gasped between kisses. “Please don’t stop this time. I want you. I need you.”

  Her pleas poured through him like fiery shots of alcohol and carried with them the same damn effect. In a moment of weakness, his control snapped, and the animal inside, the one he called upon when he wrestled, sprang forth. Lust heated his blood as only one thought filled his brain. Take her now!

  He broke their kiss, then spun her so she faced the tile wall. “Put your foot up on the tub,” he whispered, his words not a request but an order. The submissive in her complied immediately, lifting her foot and opening her to him.

  He slipped a hand between her legs and let loose a growl when his fingers came back wet with her passion. She wanted him, and that realization only served to fuel his appetite. The need to be inside her, to mark her as his, swamped him. He positioned himself behind her and barely remembered to take it slow as he thrust.

  A cry tumbled from her lips, and she scrambled for purchase as he filled her. The sound burned a hole in his passionate haze, and he slowed, giving her time to adjust. “Sorry,” he managed to whisper.

  She turned her head to the side and rested the uninjured part of her forehead against the tile. “Don’t be,”
she panted. “You feel amazing.”

  Her praise spurred him to demand more. “If you think that feels amazing, just wait.” He wrapped an arm around her waist to secure her and placed his other hand on the tile wall for support. Then he began to thrust in earnest.

  The wet friction sent zings of pleasure zipping through his body. More! He wanted more. He wanted everything she had to give him and then some. He didn’t just want her body, but also her mind, heart, and her very soul.

  Her moans of pleasure mixed with the running water and the slapping of flesh to create a cacophony of sounds. He panted and gasped as he fought to keep his climax at bay. It was a battle he couldn’t win. The low burn in his belly grew until he thought he might simply combust from the heat, but it was her cry of pleasure and the feel of her body pulsing around him that sent Logan tumbling over the edge of release.

  He growled low and long and shoved deep inside her, then held there as he spilled himself into her, marking her as his. For several minutes he didn’t move. When he did, it was to rest his forehead against her shoulder as shame clawed at his conscience. What have I done?

  This wasn’t how he wanted their first time to be, and she certainly deserved to be treated better than some sex toy. “God, Lexi, I’m so sorry.”

  “For what?” she managed to ask through ragged breaths, her head still pressed against the tile wall.

  “For not being able to control myself. You deserve to be made love to in a bed, not taken hard standing up in some shower. I’m sorry if I hurt you”

  “You didn’t hurt me, Logan. Just the opposite actually.”

  Knowing he hadn’t actually harmed her did little to sate his guilt. “Still, our first time together should have been memorable. Instead, I cheapened it by not being able to control my urges.”

  She lifted her head off the wall and turned to face him. Then she reached up and cradled his face in her palms. “I liked that you couldn’t control yourself. In a way it made this more special.”