Wrestling Desire 2 (A Contemporary Romance) Page 5
“Yes, I know you can, but this is also a ratings bonanza. Tell you what. Let’s let this and Bryan stew for a few weeks and then I’ll give him a shot because you asked me to. We’ll make sure to get the entire conversation on camera so the fans know he’s getting his title shot because of you, not because he earned it.”
A few weeks was longer than Holt liked, but part of being in this business meant playing to the fans and right now they loved the story line. “Okay, in a few weeks then.” He pushed up from his chair and paused. “Do you have Derek’s number? I want to call him about Emma.”
Gene nodded. “See my secretary Brianna. She’ll get you the number.”
“Okay. Oh and I assume you realize Emma won’t be working for the next few days.”
Gene’s face slid into a sad smile. “I assumed as much. Jill can handle it and I’ll get Marissa to give her a hand if she needs one. In the meantime you take care of our girl.”
Holt opened the door. “I plan to.” He’d barely stepped outside when something knocked him back against the wall and pain bloomed in his jaw.
“You son-of-a-bitch.” Bryan grabbed Holt by the shirt and landed a second punch, this time connecting with Holt’s eye. A second wave a pain shot through Holt’s skull, pissing him off. He let out a yell, then promptly brought his knee up catching Bryan in the groin.
Bryan released his grip on Holt and doubled over in pain. Holt then grabbed him by the shirt, swung him around and connected his first punch against the side of Bryan’s head.
“What the fuck is going on out here,” Gene yelled from his door. “Holt? Bryan?”
“He jumped me for no reason,” Holt answered before taking another shot at Bryan. Security and other wrestlers began to move in and a flurry of hands and arms came between Holt and Bryan, prying them apart.
“Holt stop,” Garrett growled in his ear.
“Admit it,” Bryan yelled, blood dripping from his mouth.
Confused Holt glanced from Garrett to Bryan. “Admit what?”
“Admit you hurt Emma.”
“What?” Holt pushed his hair back and cocked his head to the side. “What in the hell are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about the cut and bruise on Emma’s forehead. I’m talking about the fact that she’s taken your side and abandoned her family. You did that. You beat her into taking your side.”
In a flash, anger sliced through Holt and he ripped out of Garrett’s grip. He launched himself at Bryan, shoving him against the wall a second time. “You motherfucker. How dare you accuse me of doing something so vile?”
“It’s true,” Bryan spat. “She told me herself that she’s taking your side. Why else would she do that when just last night she promised to stand by me?”
“I love Emma. I would never lay a hand on her.” Holt growled. “But I have no problem knocking your lying ass into next week.”
Garrett grabbed Holt a second time and pulled him free of Bryan. “Enough!” Gene stepped between the two men. He turned to face Bryan. “Holt never laid a hand on Emma except to help.”
“Then why-”
Gene shook his head. “He has witnesses. Jill and Garrett were in the room when she fell and Doctor Andrews confirmed it was an accident. So knock off the accusations.”
Eyes wild, Bryan looked from Holt to Gene and then on to the others. “You’re all in on this together. It’s a conspiracy. You screw me out of the title shot and then alienate my family. Fuck you!” he spat at Gene. “Fuck all of you.”
“That’s it!” Gene yelled as he wiped his face. “I’ve tried to be patient with you, Bryan, but enough is enough. I don’t know what in the hell has gotten into you, but I’m not going to put up with it. Get your shit packed up. You’re suspended until further notice and you are not allowed to come back until you’ve completed an anger management class and seen the company therapist.”
Bryan’s eyes widened then he immediately calmed. “Fine. If that’s how you want it, you’ll be hearing from my lawyer.” He wrenched his arm away from the security guard and pointed a finger at Holt. “This isn’t over, pretty boy.”
Sometime later, Emma was still reeling from her earlier confrontation with Bryan when the phone rang. “Hello?”
“Hey bug, it’s me. I heard you’re down real sick again. How you feeling?”
“Who told you I was sick?”
“Holt. He called and said he didn’t figure you’d call me because you wouldn’t want me to worry, but he knew I’d want to know.”
“Holt called you?”
“Yeah, Holt called. How come you didn’t tell Bryan what was going on?”
Emma’s heart sank with the realization that her older brother knew nothing of their sibling’s devious plan. “Bryan knows, Derek. He hasn’t called you, has he?”
“No and I was watching the show last night. What in the hell happened?”
“It’s a very long, very complicated and very ugly story that I’m afraid is about to get uglier before it gets better.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
Emma spend the next twenty minute filling Derek in on everything that had been taking place, including Bryan’s threat to Gene, his false climb toward the championship and the ultimatum Gene gave Holt. She told him about being ill and Bryan’s outlandish accusations of Holt harming her and by the time she was done, she had to wipe the tears from her eyes. “I’m just so tired of all this and I can’t believe Bryan. I don’t understand what’s going through his head. It’s like he’s become this different person I don’t even know. He has all this anger and rage and jealousy built up.”
“Yeah, I don’t understand it either, Em.” Derek sounded as shocked as she felt. “He’s never showed even an ounce of jealousy when I was around. Maybe I’ll try to have a talk with him.”
“I don’t’ think it will do much good. He’s carrying around a lot of jealousy right now and it appears to be focused on you. He’s jealous over you’re status with the company and reputation with the fans. He’s jealous over the career you’ve worked so hard for. Hell, Derek, he’s even jealous of my relationship with you.”
“Still. I think somebody should try to talk some sense into him.”
“I’m telling you it won’t do any good. You weren’t here this morning. You didn’t see the envy and rage in his eyes. He feels as if he’s been living in your shadow and he feels as if the world has wronged him in some way. He’s angry at everything and everyone right now.”
“Well, if that’s the case, then we let him be angry. Sometimes, no matter how hard it is to do, you have to turn your back and let those you love fail before you can help them. Sometimes it’s the only thing you can do.”
“How can we just turn our backs on our brother?”
“You’re sick, Em and you’ve been sick for quite a while now and you have to look out for you. If that means pushing Bryan away, then so be it. Right now the only thing that matters is getting better and surrounding yourself with people who will ensure that happens. It sounds to me as if Bryan has become a liability your health can’t afford right now.”
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. It’s just so hard.”
“I know it is, bug, but trust me on this. Listen, Bryan is calling me now so I’m gonna go so I can talk to him. If you need anything.”
“I’ll call you. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
She’d no sooner ended her conversation with Derek when the hotel room door opened and Holt rushed inside. “He didn’t come back here did he?”
“Who?” Shock zipped through her at the sight of his bruised face and black eye. “Oh my God.” She tossed the covers off and scrambled from the bed. “What happened-” The room shifted with her sudden movement and she immediately leaned against the wall.
“Whoa there.” Holt’s warm arms wrapped around her and he turned her back to the bed. “You’re in no condition to be getting up like that. Back to bed.”
“But what happened to y
ou?” she protested even as she allowed him to pull the covers over her.
“Bryan ambushed me outside of Gene’s office.”
Her eyes went wide as her mind tried to process his words. “Bryan did that to you? But why?”
“He’s convinced that the cut on your head is from me. He was shouting all sorts of nonsense about me beating you into submission so you wouldn’t take his side.”
She lifted a shaky hand to cup his cheek. “But that’s ridiculous.”
“I know that and you know that, but tell your brother that.” He took her hand and kissed the palm sending a quick shot of warmth streaming up her arm and out through her body. “I assumed by his ramblings you talked to him today?”
Emma nodded. “He came by earlier after you’d gone to the arena.” Her attention drifted to the covers as she remembered the conversation. “I called him a liar and told him I was taking your side.” Her gaze darted up to meet his. “Oh God. He did that to you because of me.”
Holt shook his head. “He did this to me because he’s completely off his rocker. He accused Gene of a conspiracy against him then spit in his face when Gene suspended him.”
“Gene suspended him?” Her head hurt. All of this drama would have been a lot to take if she’d been healthy, but being ill made it damn near impossible to process. She leaned back against the pillow and gently rubbed at her temple. “This is just too much. I knew he was angry when he left earlier, but I didn’t expect him to go off half-cocked and start beating up on people. I don’t know him anymore.”
“I don’t think any of us do.” Holt climbed onto the bed and snuggled up next to her. “I tried calling you after the fight, but the line was busy and I was worried he’d come back here after you.”
Mentally exhausted, she turned to him and rested her head in the crook of his arm. “I was talking to Derek, but even if Bryan had shown up he wouldn’t hurt me.”
“I want to believe that, but you didn’t see him, sweetheart. He was like a wild animal.”
“I’m so tired. It’s all just too much at once.”
“I know, baby. Just try and get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Chapter 7
Emma leaned her head against the pillow and stared absently at the television. After four days of ordered bed rest by Doctor Andrews she was slowly starting to go stir crazy. It didn’t help that first Jill then Marissa took up the role of babysitter, making sure she stayed in bed when Holt wasn’t around. The only time she’d been allowed up was for the required travel from Atlanta to San Antonio for their next show. Then she was ordered back to bed.
The issue with Bryan still weighed heavy on her mind. After his fight with Holt he’d simply packed up his gear and disappeared. Against Derek and Holt’s wishes she’d tried calling Bryan’s cell, but each time it went to voicemail and he’d yet to return her call. Derek insisted she let the situation go and focus on getting better, but how could she stand by and do nothing when her family was falling apart?
She’d managed to steer clear of the subject as much as possible and after sleeping more in the last three days than she had in the last three weeks she felt marginally better. At least she hadn’t thrown up anymore. Despite Holt’s reservations she’d pulled herself out of bed, dressed and managed to keep down breakfast before heading over to the arena to go back to work.
“Wow, you look like hell,” Jill handed her a bottle of water.
“Gee thanks,” Emma took the bottle from her friend and cracked it open.
Jill eyed her with concern. “You’ve lost weight. Have you been eating?”
“Constantly,” she took a long drink of the cool water then immediately wished she hadn’t when her stomach cramped in response. “Holt’s become a mother hen, making sure I stay fed and hydrated.” She shook her head. “I swear if he tries to feed me one more bowl of chicken noodle soup I’m going to scream.”
“Cut him a break. He’s worried about you. Frankly quite a few of us are worried about you.”
Guilt washed through Emma at her friend’s statement. “I’m sorry. It’s just being sick makes me cranky.”
Jill gave a nod. “I understand. You should know that we’ve missed you at the strategy and story line meetings.”
“You’ll have to catch me up because every time I mentioned the meetings and what went on I was told not to worry about it.”
“That’s because the only thing you needed to worry about was getting better.” Holt’s low tenor came from behind her and his large arms wrapped around Emma’s waist. He pulled her back against him. “You are feeling better right?”
She turned her head and planted a kiss on his neck as she inhaled the woodsy scent of his cologne. “Much.”
“Good.” He grinned. “When did you eat last?”
Emma rolled her eyes. “Not all that long ago and I’m not hungry.” With her statement her stomach rumbled and she tried not to cringe at the pain. The last thing she wanted was to end up back in bed.
Holt narrowed his gaze. “You sure you’re okay?”
For a moment she wondered if Holt was going to believe her. Then his face slid into a smile and he took her lips in a long kiss. “I have to find Garrett and go over our script for tonight. If you need anything…”
“I’ll find you,” she finished his sentence.
His grin widened. “That’s my girl.”
Emma was watching him walk away when she heard a sigh come from behind her. She turned to see Jill watching Holt. “A hum…”
Jill’s gaze cut from Holt to Emma and red tinged her cheeks. “Sorry. He’s just so…gorgeous and strong and attentive and sweet. Do you have any idea how lucky you are?”
Emma glanced from Jill to the now empty place where Holt had been and back. Yeah, she knew exactly how lucky she was. “Yeah, I do.”
“I wish I was lucky enough to find someone as sexy and sweet as Holt who would love me like he loves you.”
Jill’s statement pulled a smile from Emma. “You will one day.” She paused as she thought back over the last few weeks and how a certain wrestler had been hanging around more often backstage. “I think Slate may have a thing for you.”
Jill’s eyes widened with shock. “You think so?”
The more Emma thought about it, the more she became convinced of her statement. “Yeah I do, but don’t go getting all wigged out when he’s around or you’ll ruin things. Just be yourself and you’ll be fine.”
“Be myself.” Jill blew out a breath. “Yeah, I can do that.”
“Good. Now let’s get busy. The show starts in two hours and there’s a lot to do.”
* * *
“Slate set for queue,” Emma said and pointed to the curtain separating them from the crowd. She waited for Zander to stop talking and listened as the production manager gave the queue for Slate’s music. She gave a nod. “Go.”
Slate disappeared through the curtain and the crowd cheered. With a few minutes until this matched ended she took the opportunity for a break. Her body felt heavy, as if someone had tied lead weights to her extremities and her stomach continued to pitch and roll. She plopped down in the closest chair and took a small drink of water.
“I wrangled DEVIOUS. They’ll be here in a minute.” Jill walked toward her then stopped and frowned. “Hey, you okay?” Jill asked. “You don’t look so good.”
“Just tired.” Emma waved off her friend’s concern. “I’ve been flat on my back for four days and getting back into the swing of things is a little more exhausting than I expected.”
“You’re sure that’s all.”
“I’m sure.” In fact she wasn’t all that sure. She felt weird and it was more than a little concerning.
“Sure about what?” Holt asked as he and Garrett ambled up to take their place for their one night only reunion match.
“That I’m fine.” Emma smiled up at him.
“Well, let’s try and keep it that way.”
; She eyed him in his DEVIOUS garb. “I see you’ve been to wardrobe.”
He grinned. “You like? It’s our new gear.”
“Oh I definitely like.” She reached up and grabbed a handful of fabric, and pulled him down to her. “The chaps are very...sexy.”
He arched a curious brow. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” She whispered against his lips. It only took Holt a moment to take the kiss deeper and Emma’s stomach flipped for an entirely different reason.
“Can you love birds wait until after our match?” Garrett grumbled.
Holt pulled back at grinned at her. “He has no patience.”
She reached up and cradled Holt’s face. “Neither do you. Now go get ready for your cue.”
Slate and Zander’s match ended and they reappeared together high fiving each other. “Great match.” Hey Jill,” Zander called out. “Did you see that match?”
“I did. You looked great out there.”
“Thanks.” He paused in front of her. “You wouldn’t want to get a drink after the show tonight would you?”
Jill’s brow winged up in surprise and she gave Zander a full on grin. “That sounds wonderful.”
“Great. I’ll catch up with you before we leave later.”
“Sounds good.”
Emma smiled as Zander walked away and popped up from her chair. “See.” She patted Jill on the back. “I told you he was interested.”
DEVIOUS’s music began and Emma’s attention returned to work as she listened in her headset for the cue from the director. “Wait for it,” she told the guys as Garrett edged toward the entrance. Cue DEVIOUS! The command came and Emma nodded. “Now.”
Holt blew her a kiss and disappeared through the curtain. A moment later a roar went up from the crowd and Emma grinned at the ovation her man received. No matter what city they were in, the crowd love Holt and Garrett. DEVIOUS was always a fan favorite. She turned to grab her clipboard and immediately staggered as the room shifted and blurred in front of her. Not again! Her legs went weak and she put her arms out, grabbing at anything to keep her upright. She missed her hand hold and collapsed to the concrete.