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On the Ropes 1: Leap of Faith Page 5

  Chapter Eight

  A gasp tore through the crowd, followed by Cole yelling, “Lexi!”

  Logan picked Dominick up and threw him over the barrier into the crowd, then turned back to find out what happened. His heart nearly stopped at what he saw. Oh God! Lexi lay crumpled on the floor near the opposite side of the ring, her face to the mat and not moving.

  He raced to her, grabbed Eddie by the hair, and shoved him out of the way. “Move!” he growled. Then he knelt down on one knee and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Lexi?” She didn’t move. “Lexi?” He gave her a gentle shake, yet she didn’t stir. Carefully, he rolled her over. “Oh God. Somebody get help,” he yelled over his shoulder at anyone who might be listening.

  Blood oozed from an open wound on her temple and covered the side of her face. The area around the wound had already begun to swell. The sight of her bloody and wounded was scary enough, but her unconscious state terrified him.

  Jason and Cole crowded around him. “That looks bad,” Jason mumbled.

  “No shit. Get the doc,” Logan snapped.

  “Cole already gave the signal for the trainers.”

  Logan glanced over his shoulder toward the ramp, hoping to see the cavalry rushing out. Instead, the space remained empty. “This is taking too long.” He slid an arm beneath Lexi’s neck and legs and lifted her against him. “Screw the trainers. We’re not waiting for help.”

  With Jason in front of him, clearing the way, and Cole behind him, he carried Lexi alongside the ramp, around the side of the structure into the back, and up the access tunnel. Halfway up the tunnel, Dr. Martin and the paramedics met him.

  “Put her on the stretcher,” Dr. Martin ordered.

  Logan eased her onto the stretcher and stepped back to watch. Dr. Martin immediately began assessing her. “Was she ever conscious at ringside after she hit the post?”

  “I don’t think so.” Logan swallowed hard. “I tried to get her to open her eyes, but she didn’t move.”

  One of the medics eased a cervical collar around her neck, then placed an oxygen mask over her face. Logan watched as a feeling of helplessness washed through him. “Doc, is…she?” A warm hand landed on his shoulder and squeezed, and he glanced over to see Jason next to him.

  “She definitely has a concussion,” Dr. Martin replied. “How bad it is, I can’t tell yet. I also don’t know what other injuries might be beneath the surface.” His attention turned to the paramedics. “Start an IV with normal saline, wrap that wound to stanch the bleeding, then get her to the hospital, stat.”

  The medics nodded and began opening bags.

  The idea of being separated from her made Logan’s heart ache. Not knowing how badly she was injured and not being able to do anything to help was bad enough. He couldn’t stay behind worrying and waiting for news on her condition. Not only did he care deeply for Lexi; he shouldered a certain amount of responsibility for her injuries. If he and his team had been more cautious, she wouldn’t have been injured. “Doc.” Logan reached for Dr. Martin. “I’m going with her.”

  The doctor looked up and gave Logan a nod. “Fine, but you ride in the front of the ambulance.” He turned his gaze to Cole and Jason. “You two can follow in another vehicle if you want. Before you do, find Mark and tell him what’s happened and where we’re going.”

  “Got it,” Jason replied. He gave Logan’s shoulder one last squeeze, then darted up the ramp with Cole in tow.

  It wasn’t long before Logan found himself sitting alone in the ER waiting room, his mind racing. He desperately wanted to be with Lexi, to know she would be okay, but the pretty little nurse who’d blocked his access into the ER explained that he’d only be in the way. The last thing he wanted to do was hamper the doctors from helping Lexi.

  The sliding doors opened, and Logan had never been happier in his life to see his friends. Jason and Cole stalked toward him with purpose, and Mark was close on their heels. “Any word yet?” Mark asked.

  Logan shook his head. “They’re still running tests.” He looked up at Jason and Cole. “What the hell happened anyway?”

  Cole closed his eyes and shook his head. “It was my fault, Logan. I leaped at The Embalmer from the steps, not realizing Lexi was standing directly behind him. He fell backward into her, and I think the motion threw her into the ring post face-first.” He swallowed audibly. “God, I’m so sorry. I feel terrible.”

  Knowing what happened was an accident did little to settle his nerves, and Logan could only nod at his friend in response.

  Mark patted Cole on the back. “We all understand it was an accident, Cole. I’m sure the doctors are just being cautious, and it’s not as bad as it looks, right, Logan?”

  “Right,” Logan managed to choke out, but at that moment, he struggled for control. Mark hadn’t seen the gaping wound on her forehead or been the one to carry her limp body out of the ring area and up the ramp. Until someone could guarantee him that Lexi would be fine, nothing was right in his world. He sighed and sank into the chair, as he raked a hand through his hair. Frustration and worry kept his nerves on edge, leaving him feeling restless. He felt so damn helpless just sitting and waiting.

  “Well.” Mark sighed. “Regardless, I called Nick to let him know what happened. He’s grabbing the next flight he can get.” Mark glanced at his watch. “With it being as late as it is, I doubt he’ll be here until sometime tomorrow.” The muffled sound of Mark’s old wrestling theme song drifted through the air and caused him pause. He reached into his pocket, retrieved his phone, and glanced at the display. “It’s Gene. Excuse me, gentlemen. I need to take this.”

  Cole slid into the empty seat next to Logan. “I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Logan replied. “It was just an unfortunate accident.” It was an accident that had now happened over two and a half hours ago, and he still knew nothing about her condition. He smacked the chair arm with his hand. “Damn it!” He pushed up and began to pace. “This waiting is driving me insane. Why won’t they tell us anything?”

  Just then the ER access doors opened, and a dark-haired doctor in a white coat entered. “Who is here for Lexi Blackwell?”

  Logan spun on his heel and stalked toward the doctor. “I am.” He glanced over his shoulder at Jason. “Go tell Mark the doctor is here.” Then he returned his attention to the doctor.

  “I’m Dr. Stanton. Are you Mr. Lanier?” the doctor asked.

  “Yes. How’s Lexi?”

  “Well, she has what we would classify as a grade-three concussion, with initial loss of consciousness, then confusion, memory loss, nausea, headache, and some dizziness. Her CT scan revealed a hairline fracture to the frontal bone. It’s minor and will heal without problems.”

  “Is she awake?” Logan asked.

  Dr. Stanton nodded. “She has regained consciousness and is slowly becoming more lucid. It will take some time, but I expect she’ll make a complete recovery.”

  Relief cascaded through Logan upon hearing the doctor’s words. While she was still hurt, the doctor’s assurance helped ease his concern. So what if she’d need some time to recover? It simply gave him the opportunity to be by her side, helping her every step of the way.

  “When can she go home?” Mark asked as he walked up.

  “Normally with this kind of head injury, we’ll want to keep her for at least twenty-four hours to watch for any complications.”

  “Complications?” Logan’s eyes widened at the realization that she wasn’t quite out of the woods just yet. “What kind of complications?”

  “Subdural hematoma is our biggest concern,” the doctor replied.

  “You mean a brain bleed?” Mark asked.

  Dr. Stanton nodded. “She’s not exhibiting any symptoms, and nothing showed up on any of her tests, but many times with this type of injury, it can start slow and build over a twenty-four-hour period. If not treated right away, it could cause permanent brain damage or even death.”

nbsp; Fear slithered up Logan’s spine as the doctor’s words took root. “But you said she’s okay right now?”

  “Yes,” Dr. Stanton replied. “Keeping her is more precautionary than anything. I expect that she’ll be able to go home the day after tomorrow.”

  “Have you moved her yet?” Mark asked. “Because we want to make sure she gets a private room, and we’ll want to arrange for a guard.”

  The doctor frowned. “Why a guard?”

  “She’s a wrestling star for the EUW,” Mark explained. “We don’t want just anyone being able to gain access to her.”

  Doctor Stanton nodded. “I see. Well, we haven’t moved her yet. We called in a plastic surgeon to deal with her facial wound. Once he’s finished stitching it closed, then we’ll move her into a private room for further monitoring. You can talk to our head of security about a guard.”

  “I want to see her,” Logan demanded. No matter what the doctor said, he needed to see her, touch her, and know for himself that she was, in fact, all right.

  Doctor Stanton glanced at his watch and grimaced. “It’s really late. It would be better if you came back in the morning.”

  Logan had waited and worried over her for too long to take no for an answer. He took a step toward the doctor only to have Mark block his path. “Um…Doc. Can I talk to you privately for a moment?”

  Chapter Nine

  What is that beeping sound? Lexi struggled to open one eye only to find the darkened room blurry. She groaned at the throbbing sensation and lifted a hand to cradle her head.

  “Oh no, sweetheart.” Strong fingers wrapped around her wrist. “Put your hand down before you pull out your IV.”

  She turned her head slightly and managed to open her other eye, her vision nearly completely impaired on her left side. “Logan?” she rasped, hoping she hadn’t imagined his voice.

  “Yeah, baby. I’m here.”

  “W-what time is it?”

  “About two in the morning.”

  Though his account of the time did shock her, she couldn’t seem to muster the energy to actually act surprised. “It’s after visiting hours. How are you still here?”

  He leaned over the bed into her line of sight and grinned. “It’s amazing how willing the hospital administrator was to bend the rules after Mr. France pledged to donate money to the facility.”

  His statement pulled a small smile from her. Leave it to Gene to throw money at any problem. Though she had to admit, this time she was happy he had. “You must be tired.”

  “I’m fine,” Logan replied. “The nice nurses hooked me up with a surprisingly comfortable recliner to sleep in and a blanket.”

  “Nice nurses?” Lexi echoed. “They probably have the hots for your sexy body and couldn’t resist the idea of having you here all night.”

  He rewarded her witty reply with a low, deep laugh that warmed her through to her soul. She couldn’t even begin to express her thankfulness at him being there for her. “I’m sure the only one around here that thinks I have a sexy body is you.”

  “Doubtful,” Lexi argued. “Especially since I’m guessing you’re probably still in your ring gear.”

  “Well, even if they do think that,” he whispered as he leaned down, “this sexy body belongs to only one woman.”

  She grinned at his subtle pledge to her. Maybe, just maybe, when she was better, she’d take him up on that offer. “Not that I could do anything with it in my current condition.”

  “No, but when you’re ready, it will be waiting.” He pressed a soft kiss to the uninjured side of her forehead. “Get some rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  She gave him a small nod and closed her eyes. For reasons she couldn’t quite understand, knowing he was there made her feel safe and protected. Within seconds she began to drift, her thoughts consumed only with Logan.

  * * * *

  The next morning she sat propped up in bed, trying to choke down the nearly inedible breakfast in front of her. Cole sat in the chair Logan occupied overnight and watched. The only way she’d been able to get Logan to leave the hospital was if she allowed someone else to stay with her. Unfortunately for Cole, he’d been brave enough to volunteer and was now enduring her wrath. “Oh, it can’t be that bad.”

  She scooped up a forkful of scrambled eggs and pointed it at him. “You want to try them?”

  He smiled and held up a hand. “Thank you, but I think the nurses might be unhappy about me eating your food.”

  “I don’t even want to eat my food.” Disgusted, she dropped the fork on the tray. “The least they could have done was brought me some decent coffee. I’m going through withdrawal.”

  “The doctor said no caffeine,” Cole scolded. “At least not until your concussion is better.”

  She folded her arms. “Well, no caffeine is only going to make me crankier than I already am.”

  “As if that’s even possible,” a voice said from the doorway.

  She looked over and immediately broke into a smile. “Dad!” The sight of her father filled Lexi with a sudden flood of joy. While she talked to him at least once a week, with their touring schedule, she hadn’t actually seen him in a couple of months.

  Nick Blackwell walked into the room and paused at the foot of her bed. “Well don’t you look like hell.”

  Her smile slid into a frown. “Gee, that’s just what every woman wants to hear.”

  His lips turn up into a grin as he moved forward, leaned down, and gave her a hug. “You scared the hell out of me, Alexandra.”

  “It’s not as if I did it on purpose, you know.”

  “I know.” He pulled back and studied her face. “Have you seen yourself yet?”

  She gave a slight shake of her head. “No. Why? Is it really that bad?”

  “Do yourself a favor and wait a few days before you look in a mirror. Are you in much pain?”

  “Some.” She shrugged. “It’s actually a lot better now than it was last night.”

  His attention drifted to the seat Cole occupied. “You were in the match last night when Alexandra got hurt.”

  Cole popped up from the chair and wiped his hands on his pants. “Um, yes, sir. I’m sorry to say it’s my fault she’s hurt.”

  “Oh, it is not,” Lexi argued. “It was an accident and nothing more.”

  “Even so,” Nick began. “I like a man who is willing to take responsibility for his actions.” He extended a hand across the bed. “If you haven’t already figured it out, I’m Alexandra’s dad.”

  “Yes, Mr. Blackwell.” Cole shook his hand. “It’s such an honor to meet you.”

  Lexi watched as her father’s grin spread. “Thank you. I have to say I’ve enjoyed watching you and your teammates build your storyline.”

  “Th-thank you, sir.” Cole’s eyes widened in shock. “You still watch EUW?” Immediately he shook his head and smacked his temple. “I’m sorry. That was a stupid question. Of course you still watch.”

  Nick gave him a full-on grin. “I watch every week to see what my little girl here is going to do next.” He glanced down at Lexi. “What I want to know is where is the man who picked you up and carried you from the ring area last night?”

  Lexi’s heart sped up at the mention of Logan. “You mean Logan?”

  “He’s the one with long dark hair?” Nick asked.

  Lexi nodded. “That’s him. He went back to the hotel to shower and change. He was here all night with me.”

  Nick arched a curious brow. “Really? Is he the same one Mark’s been telling me about?”

  Lexi jolted at her father’s question. Deep down she suspected someone had probably been telling her dad what was going on. Being the daughter of a legend who still had many friends in the company meant her father always had spies watching over her. She just hadn’t expected it to be Mark. “Just what has Mark been saying?”

  Her father grabbed Lexi’s hand and squeezed. “Relax, Alexandra. I call him from time to time to get the real scoop on how you’re doi
ng. Since all I ever get from you is what you think I want to hear.” He paused, and she flushed at being called out on her tendency to hold back information.

  “I just don’t want to bother you with mundane details,” she replied.

  “Right.” He made a face that told her he didn’t believe a word she said. “So anyway, the last time we talked, he said you’d taken a romantic interest in a new wrestler.” He leveled one of his famous “remember I’m your father” looks on her. “After what happened with Aaron, I’ll admit I was a bit concerned, but Mark assured me that this Logan you speak of is just as infatuated with you as you are with him.”

  “Are you mad at me for not telling you?”

  Nick shook his head. “I’m not mad. Disappointed, yes, but not mad.”

  “I didn’t want you to worry is all,” she tried to explain. God, she hated it whenever she disappointed her dad. After her car accident, he’d worried and fretted over her. She didn’t want him to worry anymore. “Logan and I are still in that getting-to-know-you stage, so it wasn’t like there was much to tell.”

  Nick chuckled. “Not much to tell, huh? The boy risked his career by breaking character on camera to pick you up from ringside and carry you to help. Then he stays by your side all night, and I assume refused to leave unless someone stayed with you.” He glanced at Cole. “That is why you’re here, right?”

  Cole nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “I thought so.” Nick stroked a hand along her hair. “Baby, I hate to be the one to break the bad news to you, but I’m pretty sure this relationship you two have is far past the ‘not much to tell’ stage.”

  Chapter Ten

  Logan hurried down the hallway toward Lexi’s room. He’d been gone longer than he liked, but after spending the last half hour talking with Mark, he knew the time had been well spent. He rounded the corner and slid to a stop at the sight before him.