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On the Ropes 1: Leap of Faith Page 3
On the Ropes 1: Leap of Faith Read online
Page 3
He slid a sideways glance at Lexi, who appeared engrossed in watching the match. Seeing her so aggressive, so full of passion for their sport, sent desire spiraling through him. If she displayed that kind of passion in the ring, just how much passion would she display in bed? “Do you miss wrestling?”
She turned her attention from the screen to him. “Yes.” Her one-syllable answer held so much emotion. He set the plate aside and slipped an arm around her. Much to his surprise she leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. He pressed a kiss to her hair and turned his attention back to the screen in time to see Lexi deliver a running bulldog to Fiona, planting the other woman’s face in the mat. “How long before Emma comes back?”
She sighed. “A couple more weeks.”
“Then you’re able to get back in the ring?”
She nodded. “Sparring with Brooklyn and my cousin Aubrey just doesn’t give me the same satisfaction as being in the ring in front of a crowd.”
“There’s nothing like that feeling of knowing you’re desired, huh?”
She turned her head and looked up at him. “I highly doubt I’m desired, but I’ll admit that there’s nothing like hearing the fans cheer the moment your music starts to play.”
She didn’t think she was desired? How very wrong she was, but he’d let that subject go for now. He rubbed her shoulder. “Put that away and let’s have some cake.”
She pushed off him. “Yeah, okay. Sitting here feeling all depressed isn’t doing me any good anyway.”
“Right.” He picked up the cake and scooped up a little with the fork. “You’ll be back wrestling in no time, so let’s just focus on the positives. Now—” He held up the fork. “Open up.”
She shut off the video and set her phone aside and grinned up at him before opening her mouth. Logan’s arousal soared as he slid the fork into her mouth and watched as she closed her lips around it. He damn near groaned as his erection pressed against his jeans.
Her eyes drifted shut, and he pulled the fork back. “Mmm. That’s so good,” she cooed. “More.”
Happy to oblige, he scooped another bite up and fed it to her, only this time a tiny bit of icing landed on the edge of her mouth. His gaze zeroed in on the icing as the need to taste her, if only for a moment, slammed into him with the force of a Mack truck. He stuck the fork in the cake and set the plate aside, then turned back to her.
Using his finger, he gently wiped the icing from the edge of her mouth. Her attention drifted up to his face, and he swore he saw desire in her eyes. Without a word he brought his finger to his mouth and licked off the icing. She watched him, and her eyes flared with his motion, fueling his need. He slipped his hand around her head, holding her in place as he lowered his mouth to hers.
The first sweet taste of her lips shot directly to his groin. That now familiar spark of electricity brought on by her touch zipped through him. Her fingers danced across his skin, then curled around his biceps as she angled her head to give him more. It wasn’t enough. He swiped his tongue across her lips, beseeching. On a sigh, she granted him access. God, this woman was going to be the death of him.
“Hey, Lexi? You over here?” Garrett Patrick’s voice carried through the corridor, causing her to pull back. As if in a trance, she stared at Logan and lifted her fingers to her lips.
“Lexi?” Garrett called again.
“I gotta go,” she whispered to Logan, then slipped off the crate and rushed away. “Over here, Garrett.”
Garrett turned the corner and smiled at her. “There you are. A bunch of us are taking Brooklyn out for a rockin’ birthday lunch. You want to come?”
She glanced over her shoulder at Logan, drawing Garrett’s attention in the process. Garrett frowned, then turned his focus back to Lexi. “You coming or what?”
“Yeah,” she replied as she looked at Logan with regret in her eyes. “I’m coming.”
Logan waited for her to disappear around the corner with Garrett before he pushed off the crate and stood. “Fuck,” he muttered. Every time he made progress with her, something—or more accurately, someone—seemed to get in the way. He raked a hand through his long hair as he glanced over at the empty space. This need he had for her wasn’t going away anytime soon, so he’d just have to keep trying to find ways to break down her invisible walls. Eventually, she’d either tire of him and tell him to get lost, or he’d reach his goal. He just needed to be patient.
Chapter Four
Bottle of cold water in hand, Logan sauntered toward the staging area. With any luck, he’d find Lexi there, probably slaving away over the last-minute details that kept every show running smoothly. In all the years he’d been in this business, he’d never seen anyone quite as passionate, thorough, and dedicated to their job as she was. Did she even realize how special she was for having those qualities? She was so humble, so reserved when it came to accepting praise.
He smiled slightly at the idea of being on the receiving end of her love. At five feet five inches, she was one of the shorter Vixens on the roster but still managed to pack a huge punch. Just how much pent-up passion bubbled inside that tight little frame?
While neither of them had spoken about the kiss they’d shared over a week ago, she hadn’t tried to avoid him either. In fact, she’d sought him out a few times, asking him to grab some coffee or a quick lunch with her. They’d talked and laughed and completely avoided the subject of the kiss or its implications.
Knowing at least some of the cause for her skittish nature, he hadn’t pushed the subject, hoping instead she would make the first move.
Right now he’d drop off the water bottle, check to see if she needed any help, then head over to meet Jason, Cole, and reps from the creative team for their strategy session.
Lost in his thoughts, he turned the corner and spotted Lexi struggling with two large boxes. It took only a moment before he broke into a run. “Lexi, wait.” Just as she was about to lose her grip, he reached her. “Here, let me.” He tossed the bottle into the empty chair, then reached for the boxes. His fingers closed over hers, and his body jolted at the electrical shock that zinged up his arm and straight to his groin.
Her eyes widened, leaving him to wonder if she felt it too. They remained connected, the boxes their only barrier. “Um…I have them,” he said when he finally managed to find his voice. She released her grip, and he immediately felt the loss of her touch.
“Thank you,” she murmured. “You can just set them on the floor over by the wall. I’ll get someone else to take them where they’re supposed to go.”
After placing the boxes where she instructed, he turned and noted how her face flushed with heat, and she raked a shaky hand through her spiral locks. “Thank you again for helping.”
“Anytime,” he offered as he shoved his hands into his pockets before he did something he’d later regret. “You should have called for help instead of trying to move those heavy boxes yourself.”
“I shouldn’t have needed to move them at all,” she replied, a hint of irritation in her voice. “You know what’s in those boxes?” She pointed to the stack.
“Programs. Some idiot thought it would be a good idea to place the delivery of tonight’s programs smack in the middle of my work area.”
Logan did his best to hide his grin. While he found her extremely cute when riled, he didn’t think she’d appreciate his observation. The last thing he wanted was to end up on the receiving end of her ire.
“Of course, if Jackie was here like she should be, this wouldn’t have happened.” She shook her head. “God forbid she actually does anything that’s asked of her or anything that remotely resembles real work. I don’t even know where she is right now.”
Logan angled his thumb toward the hall. “She’s in catering.”
“What?” Lexi’s eyes widened, and something flared behind those beautiful green irises.
“I stopped by catering to pick up your water. She was in there talking with
some of the wrestlers.”
“Really?” In a matter of seconds, Logan found himself rushing to catch up with her as Lexi stormed past him toward the cafeteria.
He reached for her and felt her body vibrating with anger. “What are you going to do?”
“What I want to do I can’t, because I don’t have the authority, so I’ll just kick her lazy ass instead.” She shook free of his grip and stormed forward.
The last thing he’d wanted was for her to end up in trouble for punching a staff member. He rushed in front of her and stopped, blocking her path a second time. Her gaze slowly lifted to his face, and he swore she actually snarled at him. Feisty little shit. God, how he’d love to tame that temper. “Get out of my way, Logan.”
“No.” He folded his arms. “You need to take a minute to calm down.”
“I don’t want to calm down,” she shot back. “I’ve spent the last month doing all the work and stressing myself out while she cozies up with the midcarders and avoids working as much as possible. Emma might have put up with her insubordination, but I won’t. I don’t have the time or the patience.”
She started to push past him, and he grabbed her by the arms. That now familiar jolt of electricity shot through him, but he did his best to ignore it. This wasn’t the time or place to be dealing with his attraction to her.
“Let go.” She did snarl this time.
“I will just as soon as you promise not to lay a hand on her.”
“Sorry.” She shook her head. “I can’t do that.”
“Then I’m not letting go.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Why do you care if I hurt her? You got a thing for Jackie?”
Her verbal jab sent him reeling quicker than any dropkick, and he tightened his grip. “No,” he growled as his temper fought to break free. “If I haven’t made it obvious enough over this last month, then let me make it unequivocal right now. I’ve got a thing for you, and I don’t want to see that gorgeous ass of yours fired for attacking a non-wrestler.”
He watched as the anger drain from her, and she let out a sigh. “I’m sorry,” she finally replied. “I’m just so fed up. Between working the on-camera storyline, running backstage, and trying to keep up on my training, I’m exhausted. I didn’t mean to be so nasty to you.”
He grinned and slid an arm around her. “That’s okay, but I’ll only forgive you if you agree to take a break and have a cup of coffee with me.”
Amusement tipped her lips. “That’s blackmail.”
He smirked. “Blackmail is such a harsh word. I prefer to think of it as an agreement.”
“An agreement, huh?” Now she did give him a full-on a smile, and it warmed him all the way to his toes. “You think you’re slick, don’t you?”
“I don’t think. I know. Now how about that coffee?”
Chapter Five
They walked into catering, and in an instant, Lexi’s anger returned as she spotted Jackie sitting on Clint Giddens’s lap. Lexi took a step forward, and Logan snagged her by the shoulder. “You promised not to touch her.”
She looked up at him and cocked her head to the side. “Actually, I never promised.”
He loved her fire and passion, but he couldn’t let her do this. “Lexi,” he warned in his best Dom voice.
“Okay, fine. I won’t lay a hand on her, but I am going to tear her a new ass. Any objections to a verbal assault?”
He released her and held his hands up in surrender. “Be my guest.”
Just in case something went wrong, he followed close as she stalked toward Jackie. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” she shouted.
Jackie looked up at Lexi. “Oh, hey, Lexi.”
“Don’t ‘hey, Lexi’ me. What in the hell are you doing in here?”
“She’s taking a little break,” Clint replied. “Chill out, will ya? It’s no big deal.”
“Stay out of this, Clint,” Lexi warned. “It is a big deal, and it’s none of your business.”
“Don’t talk to him like that,” Jackie defended. “And for your information, I was taking a break.”
Logan caught movement in his peripheral vision and glanced over to see Mark had joined them. Though he doubted that Lexi noticed.
“A break!” Lexi echoed Jackie’s answer. “You can’t be serious.”
“I’m completely serious,” Jackie shot back. “Why? What’s the probs?”
“The problem is that you have to actually do real work in order to earn a break,” Lexi corrected. “All I’ve seen for the last month is you worm your way out of everything you’re asked to do and spend all your time paying attention to the single wrestlers.”
Apparently insulted, Jackie pushed off Clint’s lap to face her. “Are you insinuating I’m easy?”
“I don’t need to insinuate. I just wish you’d put half the effort into your job that you do trying to get into the wrestlers’ tights.”
“You bitch!” The sound of flesh contacting flesh rent the air and caused the room to go silent as everybody stopped to watch the fallout. Lexi’s head snapped back from the force of the blow, and she immediately lifted a hand to cover her cheek. The stunned expression she wore lasted only a moment before fury replaced it, and she lunged at Jackie.
Jackie let loose a high-pitched scream as Lexi grabbed her. Then chaos ensued. Logan jumped into the mix. He fought to get a good grip on Lexi. Eventually, he managed to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her away from Jackie. “Lexi, knock it off.”
“Let go.” She squirmed against him. “I’m gonna knock some respect into that snotty little bitch.”
“No, you’re not,” Logan growled.
“Logan, get Lexi away from here,” Mark ordered. “Jackie, in my office, now!”
“That lazy little slut thinks she can do whatever she wants,” Lexi yelled even as Logan dragged her into the hallway and directly across into an empty locker room. The entire time he fought to keep her from hurting him as she attempted to get away. His little spitfire was stronger than she looked. When the heavy door thudded closed behind him, he loosened his grip, and she pushed away.
Rage lit in her eyes as she turned to face him. “Let me out of here.”
His only response was to fold his arms and widen his stance. No way would he allow her to do something that might get her fired. Not only was Jackie not worth Lexi losing her career, but if Lexi lost her job, he’d lose his opportunity to get to know her better.
She arched a brow in challenge, then simply tried to push past him. He stepped into her path, blocking her escape. “Not until you calm down.”
“Like hell,” she snapped and shoved at him. He’d found her temper and defiance cute and intriguing, but he was slowly losing his patience. The Dom in him demanded acquiescence and respect. Maybe it was time he taught her a little of both. In one smooth motion, he turned toward her, pinning her between him and the wall.
Shock registered in her eyes, and she lifted her hands in defense. He snagged her by the wrists and pressed her arms above her head, holding her in place with ease.
In an instant, the aura in the room changed as his body heated with desire. He studied her expression, pleased to see the slight dilation in her eyes and the gentle parting of her lips as she complied. He doubted she noticed her response, which made his discovery that much sweeter. Finding women to submit to him wasn’t that difficult, but most of the time, their submissions were acts or worse, forced for his benefit. A woman with a natural propensity to submit was much more difficult to find. Despite her strong persona and wrestling abilities, deep down, was Lexi a natural submissive?
He could only begin to imagine the fun he’d have working to release her inner sub. “Better,” he whispered after she’d finally settled. He switched both her wrists to one hand and grazed a knuckle along the cheek Jackie struck, noting how the red, angry skin had already begun to swell. She’d probably have a bruise there in the morning. He shifted his gaze back to meet her stare, intrigued by how her breath
ing shallowed. Her speeding pulse had yet to slow.
He leaned in, pressing his body against hers, and was overjoyed to feel her slight turn to his touch. Whether she even realized it, she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. “Attacking her wouldn’t have accomplished anything,” he finally said.
“It would have made me feel better,” she replied, her voice now softer in tone and laced with something akin to desire.
He did his best to hide the grin fighting to escape. “Only temporarily. In the end, the fallout would have been much worse.” He lowered his head and grinned when she tipped her face up in response. “You feel it too, don’t you?”
“Y-yes,” she whispered.
He snaked his free hand around her back and down until he cupped her ass in his palm. With so little space between them, there was no mistaking his attraction as he pulled her hip against his groin, pressing his erection into the soft pocket between her thighs.
Her mouth parted on a whimper, and he slipped his tongue between her lips and glided over her own as he slid his hand from her back to the swell of her breast. He stroked his thumb over her nipple and felt it pebble beneath his touch. Don’t push her too hard. The last thing he wanted was to scare her away by forcing her to go further than she was ready. It didn’t matter that his dick was so hard that he feared it might just shatter from the pressure in his jeans.
When he finally allowed her to come up for air, he studied her, gauging her reaction. Her eyes, now clouded in desire, stared blankly at him. “Please.” She managed a whisper, then licked her lips. Her plea spurred him forward, demanding and taking more of what he wanted. She tilted her head back, granting him better access. Logan responded by trailing kisses down along her jaw and along her neck. He paused momentarily over her racing pulse and tongued her beating flesh. Her body shivered in response, and her breath caught in her throat on a gasp as he licked his way to the sweet spot just behind her ear. It was as if they’d been lovers for years and he knew all her erogenous zones.