On the Ropes 1: Leap of Faith Page 10
* * * *
An hour later she paced the hotel room, trying to work off the residual anger and frustration she felt. Why in the hell did they think perpetuating this charade was okay? Was she the only one who was worried for the guys’ safety and health? If this storyline continued, it was only a matter of time before someone ended up seriously injured. The more she thought about what happened tonight, the more furious she became. Nothing worked out the way she’d wanted, and in the end, she’d only made things worse.
“Now what?” Jason asked from where he sat on the couch.
Lexi shook her head. “I don’t know. Let me think.”
Logan snagged her by the arm and pulled her to him. “Relax, sweetheart. We’ll figure this out.”
“How? Nobody believed me when I tried to set the record straight.” She was tired, and her head was starting to hurt again. She leaned against Logan and rested her head on his chest. “I just want things how they used to be. Don’t get me wrong. I like being with you guys, but I want to be able to go to the bar after the show, hang out with my friends, and have my boyfriend by my side.” She flicked her gaze up at Logan. “Is that so much to ask?”
“No, baby. It’s not.”
“God, I’m so tired.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “You’re still not completely healed and need to get some rest. Come on.” He set her on her feet, then stood. “Let’s go to bed. I’m sure with a fresh perspective in the morning, the situation will be much clearer.”
* * * *
The next morning Lexi sat in silence at the small table eating breakfast and ruminating over the previous night’s events. What could she do to convince everyone that this circumstance wasn’t how it appeared, especially when management refused to lift a finger to make the situation right?
Maybe she should try calling Brooklyn or Aubrey? If she could make them listen, then maybe… Maybe what? What would calling either of them really accomplish? The advice she needed should come from someone with years of experience and who knew how the company worked.
“Well,” Jason began as he walked from his bedroom, his hair still wet from the shower. “I was just checking social media, and it appears our little stunt last night only helped boost ratings even more.”
Logan looked up from where he sat on the couch reading the hotel’s complimentary morning paper. “That’s just great. You know, I don’t mind being hated by the fans. After all, that’s part of our job. It tells us we’re doing something right since we’re supposed to be heels, but this nonsense backstage is really working my last nerve.”
Jason slid into the empty seat across from Lexi and snagged a piece of her bacon. “Well, management won’t want to screw up ratings like this by being honest. Since Mark pretty much threatened Lexi’s career if she continues pushing for the truth, I guess we’ll all just need to get used to how things are.”
Like hell! Lexi dropped her fork on her plate. “I need to make a call,” she mumbled as she abandoned her breakfast and hurried into the bedroom. She shut the door, then crossed the room and pulled her cell phone from her bag. She finally knew who would have the answer to this problem. Ignoring the myriad of unread text messages, voice mails, and missed calls, she scrolled through her contacts, then hit Send.
After two rings, he picked up. “Hey, sweetie. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?”
She glanced at the door leading into the common area and thought about Logan, Jason, and Cole. They needed her help. “I need your advice, Dad.”
“Would this have anything to do with that ridiculous storyline they’re pushing about you being kidnapped?”
“It has everything to do with it. This situation has gotten completely out of control, and I don’t know how to stop it.” Her voice cracked as emotion welled from deep inside. She’d grown close to these men over the past two weeks, and watching them be treated so poorly by management made her spitting mad.
“Okay, sweetie, calm down, and tell me what’s going on. We’ll figure something out.”
Ten minutes later she’d brought him up to speed on the storyline and their situation. “And that’s why I’m calling you. These guys are going to end up getting seriously hurt if things stay status quo.”
“We’ll, I’ll admit, you’ve definitely gotten yourself into a quandary,” Nick replied. “Though, it doesn’t surprise me that management has pulled such a stunt. They’ll do anything for ratings, including destroying their own talent.”
“That’s exactly what I’m afraid of, Dad.” She swallowed hard. “These guys have bright futures ahead of them, especially Logan. He has the makings to be a megastar like you. I don’t want to see him lose that chance.”
“And you’ve tried talking to Mark?”
“Yes. His answer was to ignore me and send Garrett and Kyle out to further the plot. When that didn’t work, he threatened to fire me if I didn’t play nice.”
“You could have let them take you, and it would have been over.”
“I would have if this stupid story had just been for the fans’ benefit, but everyone on the roster would have permanently branded them as enemies because of this, and I couldn’t let that happen.”
“What about enlisting your cousin’s help?”
Lexi picked at the nonexistent fuzz on the comforter covering the bed. “Aubrey is busy fawning all over Fernando and making a fool of herself. I swear she spends more time being the big Italian’s arm candy than she does wrestling. Besides, what would involving her really accomplish? I carry more weight with management than she does. If they won’t listen to me, there’s no way they’d listen to her.”
“Point taken,” Nick replied. Silence filled the line for several moments before he spoke again. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“How much does Logan really mean to you, Alexandra?”
“Just answer the question.”
She looked over at the door, and her heart softened at the memory of her and Logan spending hours making love two nights ago. He’d been so gentle with her, yet demanding in his needs. She’d fulfilled those needs just as he’d fulfilled hers. “He means a lot to me.”
“Do you love him?”
His question resonated through her mind, and her heart responded with a resounding yes. “With all my heart. Why?”
“Because what I’m about to suggest is dramatic and could severely damage your career. I just wanted to be sure that it would be worth the risk for you.”
“What is it?”
“If you want management to take you seriously, you’re going to have to quit, Alexandra.”
Her body jerked at the shock of his statement. “But if I quit…” She let her sentence trail off as the thought of leaving Logan left her speechless.
“I know, sweetie, but sometimes when you love someone, you have to do what’s best for them, even when it hurts you in the process. You’re nearing the end of your contract, right?”
“Y-yes.” She swallowed hard. “I only have three more weeks. My agent is negotiating with the head of talent relations for a new one.”
“Then you need to take the opportunity while you have it, Lexi. They know you have feelings for Logan, and management thinks you’re afraid of being fired. Take the power out of their hands. Quit, and I promise you management will have no choice but to set them free from this storyline.”
Chapter Seventeen
Steeling her nerves, Lexi took a deep breath and walked into catering. The last thing she wanted was to leave the company, but if it meant saving her guys from future serious injuries, then it would be worth it.
Brooklyn was the first to notice her and came rushing over. “Lexi!” she squealed and threw her arms around Lexi. “What are you doing here?”
Lexi returned her hug, then forced a smile. “I’m here to set the record straight.”
EUW’s current world champion, Derek Cruise, was the next to approach her, and
within minutes, she found herself surrounded by her friends. “How did you get away?” Derek asked.
“She didn’t get away.” Kyle pushed past Brooklyn. “They probably brainwashed her to come spy on us or something and then released her.”
“They didn’t brainwash me,” Lexi replied, indignant at the accusation. “And I’m completely insulted that you would say such a thing.”
“How did you get away?” Derek repeated.
Doing her best to dismiss Kyle from her thoughts, Lexi shook her head. “I didn’t ‘get away.’” She air quoted the words.
“But we all thought you were kidnapped,” Garrett added.
Lexi rolled her eyes at his statement. “For the last time, I wasn’t kidnapped. Would you all just please shut up and listen to me?”
“Lexi!” Mark’s voice cut in over the murmur of her friends.
She turned to see him standing a few feet away, concern and frustration etched across his face. “I’m sorry, Mark, but I can’t let you continue risking their health for ratings. This ends right here, right now.”
Kyle looked from Lexi to Mark. “What ends? What are you talking about?”
“Lexi, don’t do this,” Mark warned.
“Or what?” She challenged. “Oh, right.” She tapped a finger to her chin as if she were deep in thought. “Or I’m fired, right? Well, I’ll save you the horrible task of firing me. I quit!”
“What?” Kyle’s eyes widened in shock as a collective gasp ripped through the group. “Now wait just a damn minute. Somebody needs to start talking and making sense.”
“Let me,” Lexi offered. “The kidnapping was nothing more than a storyline. Management intentionally kept it from all of you.” She glanced at Mark, who remained silent. “They knew if you all thought it was real, it would make for better television.”
“Wait!” Garrett held up a hand. “They faked your kidnapping to us?”
Lexi nodded. “It was supposed to help up our television ratings, but Jason, Cole, and Logan are suffering because of management’s decision. They’re also not supposed to make friends with any of you because keeping everyone on edge would also make for better television.”
Kyle and Garrett exchanged looks of disbelief; then they both turned to look at Mark. Needing to get it all out in the open, Lexi continued. “And since the kidnapping storyline, Logan, Jason, and Cole can no longer receive the preventative injury program after their matches for fear you all are going to attack them. They’re suffering and risking injury, and nobody seems to give a damn.”
“Mark, is what she’s saying true?” Derek asked.
“Of course it’s true,” Lexi answered. “Why else would I be standing here in front of you now, and what do I have to gain by lying? I already quit.”
“Now wait just a damn minute.” Kyle motioned to Lexi. “Nobody is quitting.”
“Either way I’m gone,” Lexi replied. “Mark has orders from Gene to fire me if I spilled the beans about this. Despite what’s happened, I still consider Mark my friend; therefore I’m choosing to quit so Mark doesn’t have to make that decision.” Tears welled in her eyes, and she took a deep breath in an attempt to maintain control. “I’m also choosing to quit because I care about Logan, Jason, and Cole and am willing to do what’s right.” She slid a sideways glance at Mark. “Even if that means sacrificing myself in the process.”
“You’re not going to let her go, are you, Mark?” Kyle asked.
Mark hung his head. “I don’t have a choice.”
“So what she said is true?” Derek asked. “You threatened to fire her if she said anything?”
“I didn’t want to,” Mark offered. “But my hands are tied.”
Lexi took a step forward and wrapped her arms around Kyle. “I’m sorry about the other night at the taping for Slow Burn, but I couldn’t let the story go in that direction. I love you, and I hope you can forgive me.”
Kyle pulled her close and kissed her on the cheek. “You know I do.”
After a moment, she pulled back and turned to give Garrett a hug. “You don’t have to apologize,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her.
“Thank you,” she whispered and then stepped out of his embrace. “One last thing.” She looked around at her group of friends…her road family. “Don’t make what I did here for nothing. Give Logan, Cole, and Jason a chance. They’re really good guys who took great care of me while I recovered, and they could use some friends.”
She turned to Mark. “I’m going back to the hotel to get my things; then I’m heading back to Calgary. If for some reason you should need me, I’ll be at my dad’s place.”
Mark gave a nod. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah.” She patted him on the arm. “Me too.”
* * * *
Twenty minutes later, Lexi stood outside the hotel room door trying to get her emotions under control. She’d chosen not to tell Logan her plans until she was sure of what she was going to do. Now that the deed was done, she’d have to break the news to him. A giant lump formed in her throat at the thought of having to tell him she’d quit.
Saying good-bye was going to be one of the hardest things she’d ever done in her life. She slid the key card in the lock and pushed open the door. Relieved to see the main room empty, she crossed to the bedroom. Empty!
Had they gone to the area already? Maybe they’d found the hotel’s gym and were trying to put together a decent workout. Either way, she’d take advantage of their absence and pack. Being ready to leave when she told him might make things just a bit easier.
She pulled her bags from the closet and grabbed her toiletries from the bathroom. Then she crossed over to the bed and picked up her nightgown off the floor. After sharing a bed with Logan for the past two weeks, sleeping alone was going to feel weird and lonely.
Anger and sadness swirled inside her as reality slowly set in. In the span of just a few months, she’d opened her heart and found love, only to lose it again. She reached for Logan’s shirt draped across the back of a chair, then buried her face in the fabric, inhaling his scent. Tears welled, and she let out a sob. Why did doing the right thing have to be so painful? How in the hell was she going to tell Logan?
Chapter Eighteen
Logan slid the key card in the lock and pushed open the door. Somehow, he, Jason, and Cole had managed to garner a good workout using the hotel’s tiny gym and pool. Now he needed a quick shower and a little downtime with Lexi.
Her mood the past couple of days concerned him. He knew she worried over the situation with the storyline and their health, but ever since she’d spoken with her father, she’d been moody and emotionally distant. He’d tried to get her to talk, but she hadn’t been ready to share whatever was bothering her. Not knowing what was wrong made it impossible for him to fix the problem, and that fact didn’t sit well at all. He wasn’t used to not being in control, and he definitely wasn’t used to not being able to resolve any situation, especially one that involved the woman he loved. After all, his job was to protect and take care of her, but being a strong, independent woman, she was making that task difficult.
He’d barely made it into the room when the muffled sound of sobs filtered through the closed bedroom door. Why was she crying? Was she injured and in pain? His heart skipped a beat, then sped up, and he raced for the room. He threw open the door hard enough to make it bounce off the wall.
She sat on the edge of the bed, her face buried in one of his shirts, sobbing like a child. His heart broke at the sight before him, and he took a tentative step forward. Jason and Cole stepped into the doorway, but he waved them off, motioning for them to move away. They did without argument.
“Lexi? What’s wrong?” he asked.
She looked up and immediately reached for him. He crouched in front of her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I don’t want to go,” she sobbed against his shoulder.
Go? Confusion racked his brain as he pulled her against him. “Go where,
sweetheart? What is this about?”
After a moment she pulled back and looked at him, then lifted a hand to cradle his cheek. “I love you so much.”
He grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm. “I love you too, but honey, you’re not making any sense.”
Her gaze drifted to the floor. “You know that saying if you love something, you must set it free?”
“Yeah?” Her randomness was beginning to concern him. What had happened while they’d been gone?
“I did something today in order to set you free.”
His brow knit in confusion. What in the world was she talking about? “What?”
“I went to the arena and confessed everything to Kyle, Garrett, and the others.”
Her words landed like a verbal jab to his gut as Mark’s warning echoed through his mind. “You did what?”
“Please don’t make me say it again.”
Panic and anger coursed through him at lightning speed. He cupped her face in his hands and held her still. “But Mark said—”
“I know what Mark said.” She cut him off, regret in her voice as she pulled away. “But you guys are unnecessarily risking injury because of me. I couldn’t just stand by and do nothing. I had to make it right, no matter what the cost.”
Suddenly, her babbling about not wanting to go made perfect sense. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as reality came into focus. “Mark made good on his promise, didn’t he?”
She shook her head. “I saved him the trouble. I quit.”
“You what?” Her announcement sent his mind reeling. He raked a hand through his hair and stood up as anger finally took over. How could she have done this without talking to him? “Why in the hell did you do that?”
“He was going to fire me anyway. I simply made it so he wouldn’t have to do something he didn’t really want to do.”
“Jesus, Lexi.” Feeling the sting of betrayal, he paced away from her and back. “Why didn’t you talk to me about this before you did it?”